Thursday, May 20, 2010

What This Blog Is:

Sometime around 2008 after trolling around Craig's List, D bought a raggedy blue couch for 15 bucks off this dude in Wrigleyville. When the great "Why the fuck did you buy something that won't fit in the door????" crisis was over, A + D discovered that said blue couch was perfect for sitting on, hanging out on, and listening to music on. Since sometime in 2008, A + D have made mixtapes for out of their league girls they have crushes on, received sappy mixes from girlfriends, given mixtapes to awesome neighbors, gotten mixes from loyal friends, and even used a mixtape as a last minute excuse for a mother's day present. (One time a terrible mix was created and sent to Europe as part of a hilarious revenge plot but in general mixtapes should be utilized as a force for good.) More than just to combat the feeling that we don't do anything and that the last productive thing we've accomplished was throwing eggs at our freshman year dorm, this blog is meant to celebrate mixtapes in all their forms. Giving mixes to / getting mixes from people we love / people we hate / people we have known forever / people we've just met / people we only vaguely remember / people we only know from the Internet has given us so much joy and we hope to share that joy with you! We will be posting mixtapes along with liner notes periodically and we hope that you find a couch somewhere, plop down, and enjoy them!

- A + D

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